Friday, December 27, 2013

December Visitors

The kids were so excited to have Nana and Papa in town for Christmas.  Just Andrew relaxing with his Papa.

Julia went to the airport to pick up Nana and Papa with Daddy and that night she said the best part of Nana and Papa coming to our house was how they got here in the morning so they had all day to play.  Usually they get in on the last flight from New York and many times she's sleeping before they get here or go to bed almost as soon as they get here.  It's always interesting to look at things from a 4 year old perspective.

Despite Andrew having a cold and a low grade fever he was in such great spirits and full of life. He really is such a fun little kid.

Group hug with Nana and Papa.  I love it since we often do family hugs with the four of us!

Papa showing Julia how to play Candy Crush although I'm not quite sure how that happened since Nana is the one who loves playing Candy Crush.  Papa must have been a good teacher since Julia got to level 14 (I think).

Andrew loves his Papa.

A bike ride was in order since we had some warmer weather one afternoon. 

I got a new lens for Christmas so I was checking it out.  Love how it made the background blurry but I definitely need to learn how to use it better.

Andrew loved his excavator from Grandma.

Such a fun toy with lots of different buttons.

Julia got the Salon Center from Grandma so now she's all set to take care of Kimberly's hair.

Julia and her new doll Kimberly all ready to go shopping with the girls.

Julia doing a little dance!  Such a funny girl and so cute too.

Julia and Grandma being silly.  My mom came into town the day after Christmas and spent the New Years with us. It's always so nice how she spends her two weeks off over the holiday between our house and my sister's house in Texas.  We really had a great time with our visitors and the kids were sad to see everyone go.  We wish we had some family live closer to us.

1 comment:

  1. We all had so much fun, thanks for putting everything on the blog Nicole, I love looking at it.
