Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning....getting downstairs as quickly as possible to see if Santa came and what he brought.  The kids got to bed a little later on Christmas Eve so we all got up around 8:00.  It was so nice to sleep in compared to getting up at 3:30 last year because Julia had to got to the bathroom and couldn't get back to sleep because she was so excited.

Looks like Santa came and brought lots of gifts!  So exciting!  

The first thing Andrew saw was his workbench from Nana and Papa which wasn't wrapped since it was so big.  He loved it and wasn't too interested in anything else for a little while.

Julia was so excited about giving other people their presents.  She was so happy to give Daddy his popcorn maker and popcorn.  She did such a great job of keeping other people's presents a secret.  

Julia's big gift from Santa was an American Girl doll that looks like her so she named it after her middle name Kimberly.  Thank goodness it wasn't named after the name Andrew picked which was Dora.

Julia got Andrew to open some more presents.

Andrew loved the fire truck book that Julia picked out for him.

Nana and Papa loved their special book of photos of them with Julia and Andrew over the years.  Julia was very excited about giving them this special gift and so was Mommy!

Andrew's big present from Santa was a Cars race track.  Julia has been enjoying it too.

Julia giving her new Minnie Mouse tutu pajamas a hug.  She saw them in the store and wanted them but I said maybe she could get them for Christmas.  She definitely loves tutu pajamas.

Daddy and Andrew checking out the new hot wheels race track.

A seat for her American Girl doll so it can sit at the counter and have it's own seat.

Stocking time...

Taking care of her new American Girl doll named Kimberly.  Don't they look alike?

Julia using Andrew's airplane which can be taken apart and put back together again using the screwdriver.

Time to check out the race track.

Andrew gives the race track a try once Daddy gets it all set up.

Julia wearing her new jammies and her doll Kimberly (who looks like her) wearing the outfit Andrew got her for Christmas.

Julia playing with Andrew's race track.

Andrew insisted on wearing his Christmas jammies for most of the day which is fine...hanging out in your jammies and playing with your new toys sounds like a good Christmas to me.

Andrew the fireman and Daddy the train conductor.  Fun dress up costumes for Andrew.

Cutest little fireman I know.

Another outfit change by Julia as she was trying to match her doll.  It's very typical for Julia to change about 3-4 times a day...especially if we're home all day.

Papa working on fixing Julia's umbrella.

Table all ready for dinner.

Andrew telling me he loves his work bench after his bath.  We had such an enjoyable Christmas at home with Nana and Papa.  It was a relaxing day filled with joy and happiness.  We hope you enjoyed your Christmas too!

1 comment:

  1. Such a wonderful day!!!! Andrew loving his workbench made me feel so good and then Julia loved her presents, too. The book was the BEST present I could ever have received. So very special and I could see all your hard work compiling all the photos of the last almost 5 years! First the birth of Julia in 2009 and then Andrew in 2011. We have had so much fun!
