Monday, December 23, 2013

Gingerbread House

We always have fun decorating our gingerbread house and this year was even more fun since Nana and Papa were around to join us.  Andrew was a bit sad at first because I wouldn't let him eat a piece of candy.

Daddy's job is to get the house standing and then we decorate it.  Once again he was successful!

Andrew reading the directions.

Julia is all set to decorate her side of the roof.

Nana and Papa even decorated our house too.

Julia loved eating the icing...of course.

And Andrew liked eating the candies.

Still decorating!

Looks like it's all done.

Front of the house.

Back of the house complete with a B for The Browns.  Fun times decorating our gingerbread house this year.

1 comment:

  1. I had thought making a gingerbread house would be very complicated, but was happy to see that it was easier than I anticipated. We had lots of fun watching Julia and Andrew creating their gingerbread house, and the frosting was delicious, too.
