Monday, December 16, 2013

Craft Time

Julia has a cold and didn't go to school today so she missed her Christmas party with her friends.  So I decided it would be a great day to do a craft at home.  Julia and Andrew made super cute Christmas trees and they both did such a great job.

 At first I started helping Andrew but he really didn't want any help and was able to do it by himself.

 Julia loves doing crafts and did great at making her Christmas tree.

Looks great!  She was feeling pretty good at this point but don't want to pass any germs to anyone else and have them sick for Christmas.

 Close up of her tree with the star and the ornaments.

 Andrew was quite proud of the tree he made.

 Close up of his tree...looks a little wobbly but it still looks like a tree to me.  Way to go Andrew!

Julia taking a nap on the couch which rarely happens.  Hope she catches up on some sleep and feels better soon.

 The afternoon craft was Santa complete with a beard.

 Gluing on his beard.

 Rolling his beard to make it look more realistic.

 Trying to roll his beard but no luck.

 Andrew and his finished Santa face.

Julia and her Santa face.  Fun crafts for a day at home.  Now, what shall we do tomorrow?

1 comment:

  1. Already missing you guys. Cute pictures, never had time to comment b4 Xmas.
