Tuesday, December 24, 2013


We have really enjoyed having Griffin visit us for the month of December.  Julia and Andrew loved finding him first thing in the morning.  I snapped a few more pictures to show what our elf has been up to lately.

Going for a sleigh ride with Elmo.

He had fun making a snow angel too.

Griffin decided to use some q-tips to make some snowflakes.

Then he decorated our dining room table to make it a bit fancier.

On our last day with Griffin he surprised us with the Elf Kissing Booth and left us some Hershey Kisses.  What a special surprise as we all enjoyed the chocolate treat.

Julia and Andrew were so excited about the special treats and were happy to share with everyone.  What a fun month we had before the arrival of Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I was able to witness first hand the antics of Griffin. He was quite a busy little elf. Personally, I liked the way he decorated the dining room table the best, next was the kissing both, because of the Hershey Kisses.
