Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Griffin Our Elf

I thought it would be fun to post some photos of what Griffin our elf has been up to in our home.  As you know Griffin flies to the North Pole each night to tell Santa about Julia and Andrew and I must say he's been giving Santa such great reports.  Griffin on the other hand is kinda silly at times.  He thought it would be funny to hang Julia and Andrew's underwear on our stocking hooks.

He really liked the fruit pouches just like Julia and Andrew.

He can also draw quite well.  One night he did a self portrait!

Then he thought it would be funny to decorate the Christmas tree with toilet paper but Julia didn't think it looked good so we took it down right away.

Checking out Julia and Andrew's candy from Halloween.

Then he decided to do some fishing.

Just relaxing and hanging out on the reindeer.  

Silly Griffin upside down in the pantry.

 I guess Griffin liked the smell of our Christmas cookies so he decided to try one for himself.  Yummy!  Who knows what else he has in mind for the rest of his stay?

1 comment:

  1. It sure was great to see all the things that Griffin has been up to. Also, thanks for the kissing booth the last night, Nana loves chocolate!!!
