Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

We had an enjoyable Christmas Eve and loved having Nana and Papa in town.  Quick photo after mass as dinner was being prepared.

Of course a photo with Nana and Papa.  Julia and Andrew just love their Nana and Papa and were very excited to have them here for Christmas!  

Growing up it was always tradition that we opened one gift on Christmas Eve so we're bringing that tradition to our family.  It was always something small but enough to help with all the Christmas excitement.

Julia and Andrew opened up Mickey and Minnie Mouse Color Wonder coloring books with the special markers.

Checking out the magic of the new markers.

Sprinkling the reindeer food out on the lawn.

Want to be sure to add a little sparkle to our lawn to make it easier for Santa to find our house.

Frosting a few cookies to leave out for Santa.  Andrew likes adding the sprinkles.

Sweet, sweet Julia wanted to leave a present for Santa.  As everyone else was preparing dinner or getting the cookies ready for Santa, Julia wrapped a present for Santa and added a gift tag and decided to leave it with the cookies.  She is truly the most thoughtful little girl I know.

Andrew busy playing with the airplane Papa made with Legos.

Julia's present for Santa.

Gotta love her wrapping!  I'm always so touched by her kind gestures and just smile at how thoughtful she is...love her to pieces!


  1. What a special time and we consider ourselves lucky to have shared it with all of you!!! Julia gets sweeter each time we see her. Only "Santa Mouse" gives a present to Santa, but leave it to to be so sensitive to think of

    1. Leave it to Julia to be so sensitive to think of Santa Claus.
