Saturday, November 3, 2012

Andrew 17 months

Wow my little guy is 17 months already!  Can you believe it?  For those who don't see Andrew everyday I thought I would take a little time to tell a bit more about our sweet guy who is almost 1 1/2 years old.  These are in no particular order.

- He has 10 teeth, 6 on top and 4 on bottom.
- He goes to bed at 7:45 and gets up at about 6:30 and sleeps on his tummy. Almost every morning he cries out around 5:00 and thankfully falls back asleep.  Sometimes it takes a while for me to fall back asleep but he does rather quickly.
- He loves fruit, pasta, bread, yogurt, crackers and goldfish but isn't much of a fan of meat or seafood.  He'll eat green beans, carrots and peas but not many other vegetables.  If someone else is eating he wants to eat too.
- He isn't allergic to peanut butter but his face gets irritated when it gets on him.  I guess it's called a skin irritation so we don't give it to him.
- He says uh-oh, mama, dada, bye-bye and had said all done, hi.  He knows the sign language for more and also bangs on the table to let you know he wants more of something.
- He gives kisses and hugs.
- He knows hair, nose, eyes, mouth, feet and belly.
- He still takes two naps, one at 9:30 for an hour and another at 2:00 for 1 1/2-2 hours.
- He's walking everywhere and likes to step up onto the stools in the bathrooms.
- After reading a few books and sing a little we lie him in his crib and he falls asleep on his own.
- He often cries and wants to be held every night while making dinner which makes it challenging at times.
- He likes to climb up onto chairs and stand on them and has even tried standing on the table. Yikes!
- Likes to have his lovely when he goes to sleep that Julia gave him when he was born.
- Gets very excited when Thomas comes home from work.  He hears the garage open and goes right to the garage door.  It's very cute indeed!
- Loves playing outside.
- Goes up the ladder on the playground and goes down the slide on his belly again and again.
- Likes to lay on top of you if you lay on the floor.
- Enjoys putting things on his head like a blanket and walks around.
- Likes wearing hats.
- Likes playing peek-a-boo.
- Laughs and laughs when you tickle him.
- Often times I think he may be a lefty but he uses his right hand too so I'm not sure yet.  
- Enjoys reading his books.  Many times in the morning while getting ready you'll find him sitting on his floor in his room reading his books.
- Once he wakes up in the morning or from a nap he wants to be held for a while.
- Likes to do the things that Julia does.
- If the pantry door is open he knows how to get a snack he wants and sits on the floor and starts eating.
- Wears size three diaper during the day and size four at night.
- Doesn't really like being in the stroller, would prefer to walk or be held.
- Loves looking at his photo book I made for him with pictures of his first year.
- Will climb the stairs if the gate is left open.
- Only drinks milk and water.
- Is quite vocal when things don't go the way he wants.

Andrew is such a sweet little boy who makes me laugh and smile everyday. We're so lucky to have him as part of our family!  He really has a great personality and he's been such a fun kid!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That's a lot of info about little Andrew, thank you, it was great to read. He is just like his father and uncle regarding running to the door when his Daddy comes home. I love that Andrew still likes to be held. He looks so handsome in his cute outfit. He is such a good boy!
