Saturday, November 17, 2012

Atlantic Station Tree Lighting

I'm a bit behind in posting photos since I used up all the space on my other blog and it took me a while to figure out how I wanted to proceed.  Anyways, I'm back up and running but it will take a little bit of time to get caught up.  So....back on November 17th we went to the tree lighting downtown at Atlantic Station. This is our third year going and I always think they do such a great job and they have the train ride for kids which Julia and Andrew loved.  We intended to go grab some pizza for dinner at Pizza Antico before heading to Atlantic Station but the traffic was much worse than we expected and people were lined up out the door at Pizza Antico.  Unfortunately we didn't get to have Thomas' favorite pizza for dinner and I felt awful since I know he's not the biggest fan of going downtown but you have to make the best of all situations. 

Instead we grabbed dinner at Moe's which is right at Atlantic Station and got in line to ride the train before they lit the tree. 

Waiting in line for the train.  This was my first time riding the train since I always stay behind and take photos instead.  Everyone was excited for the train ride. 

Andrew definitely enjoyed his first train ride.  What's Andrew holding?  Well, it's a spoon.  Julia had one of those light up necklaces and Andrew wanted one but we didn't have another so we gave him a spoon from Moe's and he was happy holding that instead.  Note to time have two light up necklaces. 

Julia still enjoyed the train ride.

Mommy and Andrew on the train ride.

Quick photo with my two little cuties in front of the Steam Engine Express.  I know Julia doesn't match at all but she really wanted to wear a Christmas outfit and I should of had her wear her white coat but oh well and we brought the gloves at the last second just in case it was cold.  Such a fashion no no. 

 The beautiful tree downtown.

Let the holiday season begin.  Merry Christmas!

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