Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Feast

I'm a little behind in getting pictures posted from Julia's Thanksgiving Feast at school since it was over a week ago but better late than never.  Here's Julia's place mat she made at school with her hand print.  We even got to sit at the same table as Grace and her family.

Julia's turkey with five things she is thankful for this year:  Mommy, Daddy, Andrew, House and playing with my baby brother.  How sweet!

Before we got to enjoy the feast with the kids they sang a few songs for us.  Don't they look so cute in their Indian attire?

Julia was standing by some of her best friends at school.  Lily, Julia, Alex, Grace, Samantha and part of Chloe.


Not quite sure about what to do.

Once the singing was done we fixed the necklace...good as new.

It is nice that Daddy works so close to Julia's school and he joined us for the feast as well.

Julia and her good friend Grace.

Family photo at the end of the feast.

Julia asked me to take her picture with her teachers so here they are.  Julia and one of her teachers Ms. Dana.

Julia and her other teacher Ms. Marjorie and Samantha too.  We're so thankful Julia loves school and for her teachers and all the hard work they did to put the feast together. We had a great time!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely adorable pictures, Julia's school is doing some very wonderful things with the kids. I am amazed at all they do. I especially love the picture of Julia and my very handsome son, Thomas. He looks so nice when he goes to work, you don't see that much anymore. Poor Julia, she did a good job even when her necklace broke, that must have been upsetting to her. Love her cute little friends, too.
