Sunday, November 11, 2012

Model Airplanes

Last Saturday Thomas took Julia and Andrew to see some people flying their model airplanes.  From what I understand Andrew absolutely loved it which was no surprise to me.  If we're playing outside and he hears a plane he looks up and points at it.  Even if we're playing inside he'll stop what he's doing and listen.  Thomas was such a nice Daddy and let Julia take her backpack and camera out of the car...if it was me I just say leave it in the car since I always have enough to manage.

Andrew's checking out all the airplanes.  I can't believe Thomas let Andrew wear the beads out the car.  He'll wear them at home sometimes and in the car but that's where I draw the line.  Again another thing I would have to keep up with and I already have enough most times.

Andrew pointing at the planes flying.  Sounds like they had fun and you may be wondering what did I do...well nothing much.  Made a phone call to schedule dinner at American Girl and took a shower.  Maybe next time I'm alone I'll do something more fun.  Regardless, I enjoyed the break even if it was just for a little bit.


  1. Nice story, especially about the camera, backpack, and beads. Bill thinks that is the place he went with Tomas and Julia, when Andrew was a little baby and not old enough to go yet. Did Julia's pictures come out or is it a pretend camera? Love Andrew's blue eyes when he is looking up in the sky.

  2. Yes, they went there with Julia when we went to the Sip and See for Andrew. Julia's camera is's her Elmo camera.

  3. That camera is so cute, I love the song and Elmo's voice.
