Sunday, November 25, 2012

Visit from my Brother

My brother and his family, along with my mom, came into town the day before Thanksgiving and we were so excited to have them visit.  Unfortunately Julia wasn't feeling good and even threw up shortly before they arrived but luckily after that she slowly starting feeling better and spend the day in her jammies.  Since they drove here from New York overnight everyone just caught up on some sleep and relaxed so it all worked out.  At night her fever spiked again and she was uncomfortable for a while but thankfully her fever broke and when she woke up in the morning she was doing great.  Since it was Thanksgiving we watched the parade and relaxed a bit but she was feeling great and we were thrilled.

Julia and my niece Chelsea relaxing and watching Annie. Apparently my brother has seen that movie a ton and knows many of the lines.  Thomas is still yet to see it but we'll change that soon enough.

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