Thursday, November 22, 2012

Honey Bear

In Julia's class they have a bear named Honey Bear who travels to each child's home in the class.  The kids tell their parents what they did and the parents write it in a journal and include photos if they want to.  The first time Honey Bear visited the Browns we played outside and showed her our playground.

Honey Bear enjoyed going down the slide with Julia.  When we had to bring Honey Bear back to school Julia was very sad...she didn't want to bring her back.

Last week we had another chance to bring Honey Bear home again and Julia was ecstatic.  Here she is with Honey Bear in the car on the way home.  Her huge smile says it all.

As Thomas and I were getting dinner ready for us, Julia was busy getting dinner ready for Honey Bear and Elmo.

All smiles holding Honey Bear and Elmo.

After dinner Julia made Honey Bear a necklace.

The next day we went to story time at the library and brought Honey Bear along.  The story time was all about Thanksgiving and we even saw a puppet show.  When we had to go to school the following day Julia said she didn't want to go because she didn't want to bring Honey Bear back.  Looks like we may be getting our own Honey Bear someday.

1 comment:

  1. Honey Bear sure is cute but Elmo must be soooo jealous. The pictures show how much Julia loves Honey Bear, move over Elmo and Chloe!
