Monday, November 19, 2012

One sad boy...

Often times while we're trying to make dinner Andrew is unhappy.  He knows dinner is coming but isn't interested in waiting.  He always wants to be held or wants to eat junk but of course we say no and hence the sad face.  Many times Thomas and I pass him back and forth but at times neither of us can hold him and this is what happens.  Cute but very sad.  Julia even tries to cheer him up at times by bringing him a toy...sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that Andrew did that a little when we were visiting this summer. He certainly has a big appetite, he just doesn't like waiting. Poor baby, I pick all the time while I'm cooking, would he eat veggies while he waits, or something healthy like that? It is very stressful for you to be trying to cook while he is crying like that. He can break your heart looking at that little face. I wish I was there to hold him each night. :(
