Thursday, September 13, 2012

Surrounded by Books

Lately Andrew has really been taking a liking to books...yeah!  Julia absolutely loves books and I'm so glad Andrew enjoys them too.  I went to start a load of laundry and came back to find Andrew surrounded by books.  He pulled them all out of his baskets and was "reading" them.  Right now he loves the flip books and a book about trucks he got for his birthday from our sweet friends The Boisseau Family.

I love how he "reads" the books and tosses it aside and goes onto the next one.

We need to be careful with the flip books since he has already ripped off a few of them.  I've glued them all back on but now we don't leave him alone with them.  As you can see he sometimes even "reads" the books up side down.


  1. That's my baby Andrew. He is so handsome and looking very intelligent with all the book learning going on. I think the last picture is a Karen Katz book, you know how I love her books. Is it the one I gave him for his birthday?

  2. Yes, it's the one you gave him. He loves the flip books but he can be a bit rough with them so we have to be careful...luckily he hasn't ripped that one.

  3. He is so cute, I love to see him reading.
