Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Preschool Open House

On Thursday night I attended the Parent Orientation for Julia's preschool and on Friday morning we all went to meet her teachers, see the classroom and meet her new friends.  Julia will be going to Cumming First Baptist Preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-1.  Even though it's only two days a week, it will be a big adjustment for Mommy.

I can't believe she's three years old already and old enough for preschool.

She walked rather quickly in front of us into school holding her bear we decorated to hang on the bulletin board in class.  She was ready and hopefully she does well on Tuesday and loves it!

Mommy and Julia decorating a bear to tell more about Julia.

They can earn 'tickets' and once they get 5 tickets they get to go to the treasure chest and pick out a prize.

Julia with her two teachers...Ms. Dana and Ms. Marjorie. We're looking forward to a great school year!


  1. She definitely was ready, I've seen her do that walk before it is very determined. Did she make her hair go from side to side as she walked, it is so cute?

    1. Yes, her hair went from side to side...like always. I love it!
