Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Enjoying it all...

Yesterday Daddy had to unfortunately work late but that didn't stop Julia, Andrew and I from having fun.  Nowadays, Andrew is walking all around the house...often times he is going nowhere...just walking.  He loves being able to walk and he's so proud of himself.

And yes he gets into more stuff now that he can walk.

Julia helping Andrew walk on the grass in the backyard.  He is not a fan of how the grass feels unlike Julia who loves to run in it barefoot.

Had to get a photo of cute Julia who is my little sweetie.  Love spending time with these two kids.  I'm just enjoying my days with them because I know they will be grown up before I know it.


  1. Beautiful shots, especially the one of Julia and Andrew walking towards the swingset.

  2. You are right about them growing up, I wish Thomas and Brian were still that age.
