Thursday, September 20, 2012

Apple Picking

On Sunday we went for a great drive to the North Georgia Mountains to go apple picking which is one of our favorite things to do in September.  It was such a nice day...not too hot or sunny but just right.  Normally we drive a different way but the route we took on Sunday was very scenic and it made the 50 minute drive go by rather fast.  Both Julia and Andrew took a little snooze on the way up there.

Julia was a fantastic helper this year.  She was tall enough to reach the apples and pick them herself, in fact she picked most of our apples this year.  She LOVED being able to do it all by herself.

Andrew enjoyed munching on the apples this year.  Daddy cut up a few while we were in the orchards.

Julia is on the hunt for the perfect apples.

Taking a break from picking apples to give one a try and a quick photo.

Mommy and Andrew surrounded by apple trees.  Andrew loved holding the apples.

Daddy and Andrew and of course Andrew still has his apple.

Me and my two cute kiddos.

Andrew helped out by putting the apples in the bag.

This year we were able to pick stayman winesap apples which are delicious. Last year we went later in the season and they were all picked out so I was glad we got them this year.

Ready to go.  Giving Andrew a chance to do some walking before we had to get back in the car again.

And Julia enjoyed a chance to sit and relax with all the apples.  We didn't get a good family photo this year which was a bummer but we always have a good time apple picking.

1 comment:

  1. That rode was so pretty, I want to drive down it. We went apple picking two times already, once for Macs and the other time for Cortlands. The pie will have to come tomorrow, can't wait to smell it while it is cooking, almost as good as eating it!!
