Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Julia's First Day of Preschool

Today was Julia's first day of preschool at Cumming First Baptist Church.  I've heard many great things about this preschool from so many different people that I figured it must be great.  I visited this one and our church preschool but was very impressed with Cumming First Baptist Church.  When I signed her up way back in January (I know eight months ago but that's how it works if you want to get into a certain school) I chose two days a week but I didn't get my first choice and Julia was put into the three day program.  I was devastated but hoped someone would move or want to make a change and a spot in the two day would open up.  She was first on the waiting list and luckily for me someone in the two day wanted to switch for three days...thank goodness.  I think two days is plenty since this is her first time being away from me and with everything else we have going on.  I still want her to enjoy being mostly schedule free and do things like make pancakes on a Tuesday morning or stay in our jammies until lunch on a rainy day just because we can.  We already do ballet and playgroup so two days is perfect for us!

 I love this photo!  Julia gave me some great smiles this morning... so genuine and not phony like she does sometimes.

Andrew is overdue for his nap and is completely exhausted!  Poor little guys schedule was all messed up today with the start of school.  Usually he takes two naps and they last about 90 minutes each but unfortunately today he only napped once for 60 to 70 minutes.  We need to make some adjustments so Andrew gets his naps..it made for a long afternoon/evening since he was wiped out.

This picture cracks me up...look how big her backpack is compared to her.  All packed...snack, lunch, folder and a change of clothes just in case.

 There was a little drizzle in the air and Julia loved using her umbrella.

 Julia and her teacher Ms. Marjorie.

 Her cubby for her lunch and her snack.

 Her other teacher Ms. Dana.

This picture makes me so sad since she was standing alone.  It always takes Julia a little bit to join in on new situations.  Even though I wasn't surprised about this it just made me cry so I stayed for a bit in a room down the hall.  I wasn't ready to leave until I knew she wasn't alone.

Another teacher went to check on her for me and took my camera and snapped this great photo of Julia. So glad she warmed up and joined the other kids quickly.

I couldn't wait to pick her up at one o'clock to find out how her day went...I was so excited - more excited than a kid in a candy store!  We got her a little 'First Day of Preschool Present' which was some stuff from Bath and Body Works...fun girly smelling lotion, shower gel and a loofah since she likes using mine along with a few candy treats.  When I picked her up and asked how her day was she said "GREAT" with such enthusiasm that it made me feel so much better. She did such a great job at telling me all about her day.  Of course I asked many questions but she answered them and even provided more information.  It was great to hear about her day and she said she was sad to leave school which I thought was funny since earlier that morning she was telling me she didn't want to go to school.  It was such an emotional day for me since I always have Julia and Andrew with me and it was hard leaving her at school.  I'm so thankful she had a great day and hopefully it will get easier for me soon.  I just love spending time with Julia and Andrew that I'm in no rush for them to go to school.  I know my days of staying home with them are passing quickly...much faster than I would like so I'm enjoying all the little moments we have together.

 Julia enjoyed her card in addition to the gifts.

Checking out her new girly 'stuff.'  I'm so proud of Julia and I love this girl more and more everyday!  What a day...I'm glad it's over and everything went well!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that she loved it, what a relief! Thank you for putting up the pictures so quickly, I was so anxious to see and hear all about her first day. I wish I could have been there to see it in person. By the time Amdrew is ready maybe we will be completely retired and able to see him go off in person.
