Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hot Air Balloon Ride

On our way home from downtown, in the field right off our exit, five hot air balloons were about to take off .  Julia and I decided to pull over to get a closer look and watch the balloons being blown up and take off.  It was neat to watch and apparently we weren't the only ones who thought it was interesting to watch.  This was the second balloon that we saw take off and my favorite one.

Getting another one ready.  They use fans at first to start blowing it up.

Here comes the gas.

The people for the last balloon didn't show up so they offered to do tandem rides.  I've always thought it would be fun to go up in a hot air balloon and when I asked Julia if she wanted to give it a try she said yes.  It's not everyday you get to take a little ride in a hot air balloon so we got in line and waited our turn.

A nice guy down below took some pictures for us.  His son was in the basket with us since he wasn't interested in going for a ride.

That's us on the right!  We enjoyed our short ride.

There's the balloon Julia and I had a ride in today.  Such a random but fun thing to do.


  1. WOW! How lucky you two were. I can't believe that Julia wasn't afraid to go that high. I would not like it, way too high.
