Saturday, September 15, 2012

Julia Visits the Dentist

On Wednesday Julia had her second dental appointment and she did fantastic!  I wasn't quite sure how she would do since she barely opened her mouth for her first appointment.  I've been talking about her dental appointment and reminding her how she needs to open her mouth wide so they can clean her teeth.  It also helped since Daddy and I just had a dental appointment and got our teeth "super shiny" and she recently saw her friend Cole after his dental appointment too.  After all that Julia said she wanted her teeth "super shiny" too.  Way to go Julia!

Julia still sucks her thumb and we talked about that at the dentist too.  We're trying to help her stop by being positive about the whole situation and giving her tickets when she doesn't suck her thumb.  Right now we're mostly working on not sucking her thumb in the car and I must say she is doing great.  We're taking baby steps and hopefully we'll be able to help her kick this habit.  We'll see...if not as she gets a little older there is an appliance they can put in the roof of their mouth so they can't suck their thumb.

1 comment:

  1. Please tell Julia that Nana and Papa are very proud of her getting her teeth cleaned like a big girl.
