Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lake Winnie

Yesterday we went to Lake Winnie Amusement Park and we all had a blast!  I've been wanting to go since a friend posted pictures on Facebook this summer and I knew Julia and Andrew would enjoy the rides.  It was their first trip to an amusement park and they both loved it!  Their first ride was the ladybugs.  Julia really liked it but it was a bit bumpy for Andrew.

It was nice they had a bunch of rides we could go on with the kids as well so Andrew and I enjoyed the elephant ride together while Julia and Daddy rode together.

Photo of Julia on the elephant ride up in the air.

All aboard!  They had a great train ride that went around the park too.

Daddy and Julia showing off their hand stamps!

Waiting in line for the Antique Cars.  This really brought back memories of going to Darien Lake as a kid...such fun times!

Julia's first time on a Ferris Wheel.

Andrew's favorite ride was the boats.  He loved it and Julia was a great big sister riding with him.

Another fun ride for both of them was the cars.

Andrew looking cute as ever.

I wasn't quite sure Julia would like these kind of swings but she did.

Boat ride again!  Andrew probably went on the boats five times atleast...his favorite!

Cute little boat riders.

Cars again but this time Julia wanted to sit in the back.

Mommy and Julia going down the super slide...super fast!

Last ride for the day...antique cars again.

Thomas looks to be holding on tight since Julia is steering and not even looking at where she is going.  We had such a fun day and my favorite part of the day was when we were taking a little break and having some water and a snack and out of the blue Julia said, 'Thank you for taking me here.'  It was the sweetest thank you ever!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone looks like they are having fun. It's hard to imagine that just last year Andrew was only a newborn. I love rides, but Bill does not, so I need to go with you guys sometime.
