Saturday, August 11, 2012

Catch Air

On Friday morning we headed to Catch Air for a bit of fun.  We climbed up and down and through tunnels and all sorts of things to have fun with Julia and Andrew.  This was Andrew's first time exploring and playing on all the equipment at Catch Air and he had a blast!

Julia really enjoyed having me and Papa climb up to the fort and play on top of the structure with her.

Andrew did such a fantastic job of navigating through the structure.  I was definitely amazed by what he was able to do.  Way to go Andrew!

This is one of my favorite photos from our visit with Nana and Papa Brown.  Papa was such a great sport and climbed through tunnels after Julia and Andrew with me.  Thanks for all the's not easy keeping up with them.

Julia was all smiles as she was about to go down the slide.

Having fun playing in the ball pit.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pictures, my favorite one is Julia smiling, such a big one!
