Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Tutu and a Remote

Andrew has such a great personality and it's been such fun for us watching it develop.  He absolutely LOVES the remote.  Once he sees it he is on a mission.  Often times he crawls around holding it and yes he knows what button to push to turn the television on.  Like I said before he loves electronics...just the other day he was holding my phone and he pushed the right button and called my mom.  Who knows one day you might get an unexpected phone call from Andrew.  The tutu....the other day Andrew took the tutu I made for Julia's doll and used it to tickle my face and of course I giggled and I did the same thing right back to him and he laughed too.  I assumed Thomas showed him that and sure enough I was right.  It was so funny how he imitated what he learned with Thomas one day and did it on me days later.  I wonder what other silly things Thomas is teaching him when I'm not around.

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