Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fun Friday Afternoon

Julia, Andrew and I had such a fun Friday afternoon at home while waiting for Daddy to get home from work.  There was lots of jumping, running, dancing, fooling around, being silly, laughing (luckily no crying) but just good plain fun!  

Andrew loved watching Julia and he got into all the action as well.

One of the things Julia has been working on at therapy is jumping off of something so at home she practices jumping off the fireplace and loves it.  Such a great landing photo!

I love this one of her in mid air.

Another landing photo.  Before long I'm going to have two kiddos jumping off the fireplace.

Such a happy girl and so much fun to be around!

Looking so serious!

He actually had a toy knife in his hand but I thought that wouldn't make the greatest photo so I switched it for a toy spatula instead.  Smart thinking, huh?

Doing some walking with Daddy when he got home before dinner.

Andrew is doing great with his walking.  He still holds our fingers but walks much farther and faster and he is more steady.  I'm sure he'll be walking on his own soon enough and then I better be on my toes running after him since he'll be getting into everything....what am I talking about he gets into everything now.

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