Friday, August 17, 2012

Julia's Therapy

Julia started taking therapy again in April since I had been noticing her having some trouble with jumping and climbing things.  At her three year appointment I spoke to her pediatrician about it but she said it would take her longer to master some of the gross motor skills...I agreed but I still had a gut feeling that she needed help.  Then a few things happened when we were playing with others that assured me we needed to do something to help her build those muscles and I needed ideas on how to help her.  We went for an evaluation and she qualified for physical therapy services.  Now Julia goes to therapy once every other week for an hour.  Mostly we work on balancing, jumping and standing on one foot.  They do lots of different fun activities to work on these skills.  We are working with the same therapist that we did when Julia went to therapy at 6 months old and thanks to Miss Emily who has helped Julia tremendously.

Walking across the bridge that shifts once you get to the middle.

Jumping from one number to the next.  Julia has been doing great with this and the numbers are a little more than a foot apart.

Practicing balance by walking across these towers.

We also worked on jumping off of something and lately she's been practicing at home by jumping off the fireplace.  She's made great progress on this as well since at first she was scared to jump without holding onto our hands.

I love this activity!  She has to pick up the sticky balls with her feet and drop them into the container.  It's such a great way to practice balancing on one foot.

Lots of concentration for Julia since one leg is stronger than the other.

We also work on her running speed.  Today she was weaving in and out of cones.  It's definitely an hour workout and she does great but more importantly has fun.  Way to go Julia...we're so proud of you!


  1. What a GREAT idea to put Julia's PT class on. I've often wondered what she does when she goes, so I was very happy to see all the activities. She certainly is making good progress, some of that stuff looks hard! Keep up the good work Julia!!!!

  2. So so proud of Julia! Great photos of a little girl hard at work. Just great! Way to go Julia! Love, The Boisseaus
