Saturday, September 27, 2014

Lake Winnie

We've been talking about getting back to Lake Winnie for a while but something always came up.   Finally we got around to making another visit to this fun amusement park before the end of the season.  When we told the kids we were going I couldn't believe how much Julia remembered especially since we went two years ago.  First ride was the boats!

The ladybug ride got lots of laughs since it was a little bumpy!

Motorcycles are always fun but very loud.

Andrew loved the horn.

Quick photo before hopping on the swings.

Apparently the swings was their favorite ride!

Definitely a favorite for Julia.

Mommy and Daddy got to ride the next ride which was the bees.

Of course the "Dumbo" ride and the pavilion in the background where we ate lunch!

The big slide...I had Andrew ride with me since I was worried he'd fall and hit himself going down.

The antique cars always remind me of an amusement park we went to as kids called Darien Lake.

Train ride around Lake Winnie.

I passed on the Tilt a World experience.  I'm definitely not into spinning rides like I was when I was younger.

She always walks with a swing in her step...such a happy girl.

Last year we didn't ride the sky ride so this year we made it a must do.

The scrambler was another ride Julia loved otherwise known as the giggle ride since that's what she did the whole time.

The boys on the mini roller coaster since Julia wanted to ride the scrambler again.

This time Thomas took the kids down the slide and let Andrew have his own sack but was sure to hold him and it was a good thing because he probably would have hurt himself.  We had another successful visit to Lake Winnie and went on some rides we didn't do on our previous visit.  We had fun but I think we got a little spoiled going to Disney since nothing compares to that whole experience.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like lots of fun. BTW, I love the tilt-a-whirl. Bill doesn't like rides like that either. So, next time you can take me along. ��
