Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Andrew's First Day of Preschool

All smiles and ready for the first day of preschool.  I'm so excited for Andrew to experience all the fun of school like he's seen with Julia.  I think he's going to love it!

Such a handsome boy on such a sunny morning.

Is he cute or what?  I asked Andrew what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said a bulldozer man and a Daddy.

The backpack is definitely a bit big but he'll grow into it.

Andrew and Ms. Marjorie.  Looks like it's going to be an awesome year!

All ready to play with trains and not at all bothered by me leaving.  I was sad but I'm so glad Andrew was happy to be at school.

A little present for the first day of school!  It's always so interesting what they decide to share with you.  I told him I missed him and he said he missed me too but he wasn't sad.  He also told me he wanted to stay all day!  He told me other things about the day like silly soap and playing on the playground and finding a gingerbread man at school and how Ms. Marjorie and Ms. Dana say listen and obey which is the rule in their classroom all after telling me he didn't know what he did at school.  I'm so thankful he had a great day and enjoyed school.  I as well enjoyed my time alone even though I wasn't alone much since I went to a PTA meeting and stayed and had lunch with Julia, relaxed while getting a pedicure and ran to the grocery store.

1 comment:

  1. How could I have missed this entry. Probably because I already saw the first few on FB and confused them. These are the best pictures of ANDREW ever. His smile is so genuine. Love the little legs carrying the big backpack.
