Saturday, September 13, 2014

Daddy Daughter Date

Julia and Daddy went on their first ever official Daddy Daughter Date complete with flowers and ringing the doorbell to pick her up. We thought it would be fun since Andrew was sick and of course it doesn't hurt to reinforce how men should treat a lady on a date so as she gets older she clearly knows to accept nothing but the best.  Obviously they've gone out together alone but this time we called it a 'date' and Thomas asked her out earlier that day.  I painted her toenails and nails and she wore perfume and a tiny bit of eye shadow just for fun and funny enough Julia said she was a little nervous.

They went to Ichiban for dinner along with Barnes and Noble to pick out a special book and then had ice cream for dessert.  Sure sounds like a great date to me!  Andrew and I stayed home since he was running a fever and watched Cars.

1 comment:

  1. I never heard of anything like that around here. Very nice of Thomas to do it, of course, he would do anything for his little girl!!!
