Friday, June 13, 2014

Vacation Bible School

The week after Safety Town Julia attended Vacation Bible School at Cumming First Baptist Church from 9-12.  I debated between there and our own church at St. Brendan's but knew she would feel more comfortable where she went to school and would likely know more people and hence it being more of a positive experience for her.  Of course the night before it started she told me she didn't want to go but luckily when I dropped her off she knew two kids in her class and she was fine with me leaving.  Turns out she absolutely LOVED VBS.  In addition to knowing two kids in her class she also met such a sweet girl who helped out in her class named Jessica and they hit it off and connected so well.  Jessica took great care of Julia and Julia loved her.  This is a picture Jessica shared me with one day of them on the playground.  She's going into 10th grade and she's going to babysit for us so Julia is ecstatic to be able to see her again.  On Friday she was quite sad VBS was over...she had such a fun week!

Julia and Jessica on the last day of VBS.

Julia also really liked another teenage helper named Brie.  Pictured here are Jessica, Julia, Brie and her friend Presley from dance class.

Just Julia and Brie on the last day.

On Friday night they had a performance for the families where they sang songs and had a slide show from the week.  Julia enjoyed singing the songs for us at home that she learned during the week.  VBS was such a great experience for her so I'm sure we'll sign up next year.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have gotten a babysitter. She looks adorable and could pass as Julia's sister, except for the darker eyes.
