Sunday, June 1, 2014

Toyland Ballet/Tap Preformance

This is Julia's third time preforming on the stage for Cumming Dance Academy.  However, this time she has two different routines to preform...both ballet and tap.  So excited she has completed another year of dance and had made some good friends in the process.

Julia and her best buddies from dance posing.  Back row - Ava, Peyton or Presley, Julia and front row - McKinzley and Peyton or Presley.  The twins are so hard to tell apart even in person let alone in a picture.

Sweet girls on the pink carpet.

Tap solo on the pink carpet of Julia posing.

You can only take pictures and video during the rehearsal so that's just what I did.

Looking so cute and definitely concentrating!

Such cute little tap girls!

Showing their teddy bears.

Exiting the stage.

Julia had a special part at the end.  Once everyone was off stage she had to shuffle with her left foot, shuffle with her right foot, blow a kiss and then wave.  It was super cute!

The girls are ready for their ballet rehearsal.

I definitely liked the ballet costume better than the tap one.

Such great form!

Had to get a picture of my ballerina on the pink carpet.

Andrew giving Julia her flowers and saying 'good job.'

Sibling love.

Daddy and his little girl.

Me and my little girl.

My beautiful dancer!  Looking forward to taking ballet and tap next year with her best friend Grace.

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful pictures!! Julia is really looking the part, she may go far with her dance skills.
