Saturday, June 21, 2014

Miss Gail Concert

We've seen Miss Gail a few different times and have always loved her energetic personality and her music is so catchy.  Today the venue was a bit different than before but we still had heaps of fun.

Miss Gail and the Jumpin' Jam Band were full of energy and very entertaining.

Miss Gail

A photo with Miss Gail after the show.

One of my favorite places to eat is Pure and there was one right down the street from the venue.  There also happened to be a railroad track right out the window near our table and of course the kids wondered if a train would go by but we thought the chances were slim.  However, three different trains went by which were each quite long and the kids were so excited.  After we saw the first one we said there probably wouldn't be another one but then soon after another one came and at that point we said that was probably all we would see but Julia was actually confident we might see another and she was right...another one came as we were about to head out. Seeing three long trains while eating lunch was definitely an added bonus for our two kids.

Me and my sweet girl!

The boys checking out the railroad tracks.

All smiles!  Love it when she smiles!

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