Thursday, June 19, 2014

Andrew's First Trip to the Dentist

Andrew's first trip to the dentist was a huge success!  He did awesome and even though he said he didn't want to go he did fabulous.  I sat him in the chair and he wanted to hold my hand for a minute but then he was fine.  Wow, my little guy looks big sitting there.

I wasn't quite sure how much he would open his mouth but he did great.  I was so proud of my big boy.  It was so cute how he asked what things were.

He even let them brush his teeth with their noisy toothbrush which surprised me.  Julia liked watching up close as Andrew had his teeth cleaned.

He enjoyed using Mr. Thirsty too and his favorite part of his trip to the dentist was getting to pick something out of the treasure box.  And what did he pick...a green snake.


  1. At first Andrew looked so serious, I was afraid for him, but by the second picture he was smiling and looking fine. I remember Julia's first dentist visit was a bomb, so I am glad that Andrew liked it. It helps because he has Julia with him.

  2. Children can be quite nervous visitors during their first trip to the dentist, so I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew was feeling scared or uncomfortable. I'm glad to know he only felt tense for a minute. He even looks cheery and thrilled on the second photo. The dentist did really great in making Andrew feel as comfortable as possible. :)

    Calandra Novak @ Mullaloo Dental Centre
