Saturday, May 24, 2014

Strawberry Picking

Normally we always go strawberry picking as a family but Daddy was still recovering from the spinal tap test he had done and didn't want to be out in the sun for a while bending over so he stayed home and relaxed.  Instead we went with Grace and her mom and sister while her Daddy was busy mowing the lawn.  We bought two buckets so Mommy had a lot of picking to do and it wasn't all that easy since the field was picked over a bit but nevertheless we headed home with two full buckets of strawberries that were delicious.  Nothing better than fresh fruit!

Andrew was more of a helper this year and didn't smoosh the strawberries as he picked them nor was his shirt completely covered in red strawberry juice from eating so many strawberries.

Andrew, Grace, Julia and Ava not really helping us pick strawberries but having fun!

Andrew and Julia are ready to go home and clean the strawberries so we can eat them.  Yummy!

Love these two kiddos with all my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Look at those nice fresh berries, makes me want to go picking myself.
