Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pensacola Beach...Day 3

Spending as much time as we can at the beach since it was a short visit.  On our last day at the beach Andrew enjoyed sitting up on a little hill and playing and then sliding down it on his bum.

My silly little guy doing some exercises on the beach.

Here's Andrew sliding down the little hill on his bum.  He's so funny!

A quick visit to the beach on our last night before dinner.  It was actually quite windy since rain was coming in.

Victoria enjoying her last trip to the beach for a while.

The water was really rough and choppy but it didn't bother us since we were just playing in the sand.  Enjoying all those last moments!

Photo with my sister and our kiddos.  Whenever we get together we always take a photo like this.  It's so fun looking back at these since we started having kids.

Team Dennison on the pier after having an ice cream treat for dessert.

So long Pensacola Beach!  We had fun but definitely missed Daddy.  Looking forward to our next beach trip...definitely my kind of vacation!

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