Thursday, May 15, 2014

Julia's Last Day of Preschool

After our Disney trip we got back and Julia had only two days of school left.  They had a graduation program at night for the 4 and 5 year old classes.  Julia and Grace all ready to go upstairs for the program.

In addition to singing some cute songs they had a slide show along with handing out their certificates.

Look at cute little Julia!  Love this girl!  She did great singing and I could even hear her voice at certain times throughout the program.

All smiles with her certificate.

Hard to believe after two years at Cumming First Baptist Church Preschool she's moving onto elementary school.  She's growing up rather quickly for me.  We're so thankful for her time in preschool...Julia absolutely loved going to school and we hope that attitude continues as the years go on.  

Julia with some of her friends from ballet.

We're so proud of how hard Julia has worked and how smart she is and more than ready for Kindergarten.

Julia with Grace and her older sister Ava.

Silly girls and all smiles!

We absolutely love that Julia and Grace became best friends and were in the same class two years in a row.  Julia made such a great choice by becoming friends with Grace and we hope she continues to become friends with girls like Grace.  We're sad they won't be going to the same elementary school next year but so happy they'll be in the same dance class together in the fall.  Love these two girls and their sweet friendship.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Julia! Now she is officially on her way to Kindergarten!
