Thursday, May 8, 2014

Disney...Day 1

After our trip to Disney last year I always wanted to go back and make another short trip before Andrew turned 3 and we had to pay for him.  So we went back for some more magical moments and memories that we'll cherish forever.  This time my sister and her family along with my mom joined us in the Disney fun which was really special as we experienced the magic of Disney together.  Team Dennison all ready for our first ride...It's a Small World.

Team Brown ready for It's a Small World.  Such a classic ride and our first ride of the day at Magic Kingdom.

The kids all looking at everything while on It's a Small World.

Julia and Mommy enjoying It's a Small World.

Love that song.

Daddy and Andrew hanging out.

Off to ride the merry go round.

Last year we didn't ride the Barnstormer since I wasn't sure Andrew was ready for such a fast roller coaster but this year we rode it probably 5 or 6 times and it sure was a favorite.

Classic Dumbo.

Sweet girls in pink.  It's always so cute seeing Victoria wearing clothes that were passed down from Julia.

Daddy and Andrew high up on Dumbo.

Back on the Barnstormer but this time with my nephew Alexander who calls me Aunt Cole.

Such a handsome little boy.

Another one of Andrew's favorite rides.  Buzz Light Year.

The race cars.

Julia and I had so much fun on the race cars and she giggled the whole time.  She was definitely one crazy driver.

Enjoying a Mickey ice cream sandwich.

Andrew held onto his for dear life ad wasn't all that interested in sharing even though he let me have a few bites.

The girls minus Julia plus sleeping Alexander.  On our way out of the park and back to the condo for some relaxing.

One exhausted boy waiting for the ferry ride.  

On the monorail back to the park for the night.  What is Victoria doing to Julia's arm...kisses I think.

Ready for some more fun!

The castle at night.

Julia and Aunt Kim on the race cars.  I hope she wasn't a crazy driver again.

Back on the Buzz ride...Andrew loved it.

The kids waiting for the parade to start.

Waiting for the parade to start.

Mommy and Daddy of Team Dennison.

The 9pm parade was cancelled so we stayed for the 11 o'clock parade.  Time for the parade...Tinker Bell is up first.

Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

Leaving the park for the night at about 11:45.  It was a super late night for the kids...good thing tomorrow is a day of mostly relaxing and no visit to a park.  So glad we got to spend the day together at Magic Kingdom with family.  

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