Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mother's Day Tea

Last year we missed the Mother's Day Tea at Julia's school because we were at Disney so this year I planned around it so we could attend the tea and still go to Disney.  Even though it's only 30 minutes I really wanted to go because after all I've always wanted to be a Mommy.

I'm so very lucky to have this little girl call me Mommy everyday and I'm so thankful for her!

Here's a picture of the questionnaire the teachers asked Julia about me.  Love all her answers...some are absolutely true and others are less than true but very cute indeed.


  1. So adorable, both you and Julia look very pretty! I love some of those answers, you can keep that forever and show her when she grows up.

  2. Thanks and I actually have my own memory box of some things the kids have made and will continue to keep things.
