Friday, August 2, 2013

Swim Lessons

We signed up for the next level of swim lessons and at first it didn't go as smoothly as our last session. In the prior session she floated on her back just fine but this time the instructor starts to let go of her and that really scared her.  Even though he is right there it made her dislike swim lessons which made me so sad since she loved it her first time around.  I talked with the instructor and he gave her more support to help her feel more comfortable and by the next session she was feeling much better.  Still somewhat timid and afraid that she would sink but much better.  

 She does great with putting her face in the water and floating on her front.

Here she is during the first class reaching for me since she was afraid to float on her back again. Mommy's eyes teared up because I felt so bad...sometimes I'm such a wimp myself but I just hated to see her so scared.

 By the last class she was doing great.

There are a few things we need to work on from this session but she improved so much from her first class.  Love my little girl and she definitely approaches life very cautiously.

1 comment:

  1. We are so proud of Julia!!! We were there and saw and heard how scared she was, but she conquered her fear and was successful, that is what life is all about. Nana and Papa love you Julia!!!!!
