Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Learning to Cut

Seeing all the back to school stuff in stores got me thinking it might be a good idea to introduce scissors to Andrew.  Of course he's tried using Julia's when we accidentally left them on the table but thought it would be nice for him to have him own (and not pink).  He really wanted orange but they didn't have that color so he picked out green instead.  Here's my little lefty learning how to cut...such a big boy.  Oh and one more thing - he went pee pee on the potty tonight before bath.  Maybe diapers will become a part of my past sooner than I thought.  All the little things he does everyday that show he's not a baby but more of a big boy.  Makes me kinda sad my little guy is growing up way to fast for me.  :(

1 comment:

  1. There's my little lefty. He cut very good when he was at my house, so I guess he is getting the hang of it already!
