Friday, August 23, 2013

Surprise Birthday Party for My Sister

My brother-in-law planned a great surprise party for my sister's 40th birthday and wanted to fly me to Houston for the weekend to be part of the surprise...such FUN!  Glad her birthday was on Friday so Thomas was able to take care of the kids while I enjoyed a weekend with my sister.  I flew into Houston on Friday afternoon and took a cab to the restaurant and was able to have a glass of wine before I went into hiding since the other ladies were about to arrive.  Once Kim arrived and was surprised by everyone else the hostess came and got me (even though I could hear everyone yell surprise and my sister talking) and then I went out the side door and around the building and walked in the front door and she was surprised again.  It was so awesome...she had no idea!  We all enjoyed a great dinner and had such a fun time.  Here's a few pictures from the evening. 

Brad had the hostess bring over a gift while having dessert.  Her son's hand and footprints.  40 fingers and toes for her turning 40.

Fun times chatting with my sister's friends.

The group of ladies out to dinner at a Mexican seafood restaurant...yummy.

My sister and I...wish we lived closer so we could get together more often.  She's only a few weeks away from having her second excited to be an aunt again!

My sister with her husband (aka the party planner).  Brad did a great job planning the surprise party, she had no idea!

The rest of the weekend was fun too but I didn't take anymore photos.  We went for a walk, did some shopping, swimming, relaxing, and my sister and I went out for dessert on Saturday night and had the best ever Nutella with strawberry and banana crepe.  Let's just say it was the best dessert I've had in a while and I'll be going back when we visit in November.  It was the first time I left the kids so I was a little sad about that but knew they were in great hands with Thomas.  There were definitely some tears from both Julia and myself when I left but everything worked out good despite the sadness.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice surprise for Kim. I love Brad's idea about the 40 toes and fingers, did he get that idea off Pintrest? It looks like some of the things I see on there. I hope that baby hurries up, I keep looking each day for the announcement on FB.
