Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Julia Meets her Teachers

This year Julia will continue at Cumming First Baptist Weekday Preschool.  She'll be in the 4 year old pre-k class and go on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 9-1.  We absolutely love her school and the teachers are fantastic!  It's such a great place and I'm so glad Andrew will be going there next year too. Since we're going to be out of town for Open House her teachers agreed to meet us a few days prior so Julia would have the opportunity to meet them before the first day of school.

Julia and her teacher Mrs. Schreiber.

Julia and her other teacher Mrs. Wyatt.  Both her teachers were super nice and we're looking forward to another great school year.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like another good year, the teachers are very pretty and Julia will probably love them. Have a Fun Year Julia!!!!
