Saturday, August 31, 2013


I've been wanting to take Julia and Andrew putt-putting but there aren't any close to our house so we decided to go with their cousins while we were in New York.  Julia went last summer with Daddy while we vacationed in Hilton Head but Andrew wasn't walking yet so him and I stayed behind while he napped.  Of course Julia and Molly decided to get a pink ball and pink putter.

Julia trying to use the putter to get her ball in the hole.

Andrew giving it a try.

Julia using pretty good form.

This is how Andrew played putt-putt.

Tyler, Andrew, Leah, Julia and Molly.  Aren't they so cute?

Andrew really liked climbing on top of everything...he is mostly certainly ALL boy.

Just the girls enjoying a special after putt-putt treat...slushies.

Just the boys enjoying their slushies.

Tyler was such a good older cousin and watched out for Andrew.  Such a fun night!


  1. Those pictures are so cute!!!! I love the one of all five of them together. I put it on FB. You sure do take the best pictures, it is a talent.

  2. Nicole, I think you outdid yourself for August, 18 entries, you are one busy beaver!!! I appreciate all your hard work on the blog, it is so enjoyable.
