Thursday, August 29, 2013

New York State Fair

Since we haven't made a trip to New York in 16 months we thought a fun time to visit would be during the fair. On our first full day in New York we enjoyed the fair with my niece along with my brother-in-law and his family.  We arrived early and while waiting to meet up with my brother-in-law and his family we tested out the Footsie Wootsie.  As a kid I remember sitting there at the end of the day to revive my tired feet from all the walking we did that day.  Julia enjoyed the Footsie Wootsie too as it massaged her feet she just giggled.

Andrew wanted a turn and just giggled too.

Hey why not, let's do it again!  We were very proactive in taking care of our feet before they got worn out and tired.  Ha ha!

Had to visit the sand sculpture.  It's pretty neat to think it's made out of only sand.

Molly, Julia, Leah and Tyler.

My niece Chelsea and Andrew.

The girls all loved playing together.  Julia and Molly were born less than a month apart and it was sweet to see how much they loved each other.

Thomas wanted a photo in front of this sign.  Syracuse, New York is ranked as the highest amount of snowfall with 179 inches in 2010-2011 and Atlanta was down at the very bottom with only 2.5 inches of snowfall.  Very thankful we don't live in New York with all that snow...I'm much more of a warm weather kinda girl. The sign also says the biggest snow plow in the world is 32 feet wide at the Syracuse Hancock Airport.

Then we headed to the Dairy Building and got a cup of chocolate milk for 25 cents and looked at the butter sculpture and rode on this little cow ride.  Andrew was so funny and would wave as he would go by.  He's styling in those shades!

Now it was time for the girls to have a turn.

Finally we headed to the Midway for some rides.  The kids loved the rides best of all.

Some rides needed an adult if the kids weren't a certain height so Uncle Brian joined the kids on this one.

Andrew riding the tractor.

Julia was happy to get to ride the pink dinosaur.

Another ride that needed an adult so Chelsea went with the kids and held onto Andrew for me.

Ringing the bells on the horses.

They had kiddie bumper cars which was great.  We were at another amusement park a little while back and Julia wanted to ride them but wasn't tall enough so it was nice they had ones for kids.

Julia and Molly rode together and I rode with Andrew since he needed an adult and wanted to go on.

Andrew was definitely worn out and fell asleep while waiting in line to get some lunch.  Julia was exhausted too and fell asleep in the car on the way home.  We had such a fun time at the fair and it was fun experiencing it as a parent.  We had such a fun first day in New York!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun, wish I was there! Another good picture of the five grandchildren all together.
