Monday, July 8, 2013

Pensacola Beach - Day 3

Ready for another fun day at the beach.  The weather was great...not too sunny or hot which worked out well for the kids who like to play in the sand.  Actually I think we had a great mix of sunny and cloudy days and some days we even had a breeze.  If it was too hot the kids wouldn't have lasted as long at the beach.

There were lots of shells washed up on the beach today so it was great for collecting shells...which we found a ton.

Julia showing off her pretty shell.

Lots of sand dollars washed up on the beach too so we had fun throwing them back into the ocean.

Julia is playing in the sand again...she loves the sand and is always covered in it.

Pregnant sister relaxing.

Alexander covering up Julia's feet with sand.

Cousins at work.

Andrew loved going out in the water and jumping over the waves.  He kept saying more.

1 comment:

  1. I know I am answering your posts backwards. I need to get another keyboard for my IPAD. Love, love, love all the pictures and stories. It is such a chore to get on the desktop, it is way too slow, but I will get to it soon. Till then, keep posting and I am enjoying all of it.
