Monday, July 22, 2013

Little Climber

Andrew is an active little boy who really has no fear...he's definitely all boy and approaches life much differently than Julia.  It's been nice for us to experience the two different personalities between Julia and Andrew and we love them both to pieces.  He's a little bit of a dare devil and tries anything like swinging from the bar at a playground.

A few days ago Andrew learned how to climb the rock wall on our playground and of course he kept doing it over and over again.  He would climb the rock wall and then go down the slide and do it again and again.  Once he got to the top he was very proud of himself and said, 'I did it.'  If I tried to help he would say, 'I do it myself.'

Almost to the top!  

1 comment:

  1. I saw it with my own eyes and he is fast and very proud of himself. Yeah Andrew!
