Saturday, July 6, 2013

3rd and 4th of July

We've been having some rainy weather lately and I wasn't even sure if we would see any fireworks this year.  The City of Cumming always does their fireworks on July 3rd and it was only light raining so I thought we would go see those just in case the ones we always see in Alpharetta were cancelled.  We found a place to park the car and opened up the back and sat there while it sprinkled and watched the fireworks while we enjoyed some twizzlers.  It was a last minute decision to go so Andrew even wore his pajamas.  

The next night the people in the circle were setting off fireworks and it was really loud so I got Andrew and Julia and we watched those too.  Even though they weren't professional, they were very good and very loud.  No way anybody was going to sleep until they were over.  After watching them we did some sparklers too since they were already awake.  Julia and Andrew both loved doing sparklers for the first time.

I know Andrew doesn't match but everything was all cleaned and packed for our week at the's all we had left.  Happy 4th of July!

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