Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pensacola Beach - Day 2

We were all excited to get to the beach and enjoy the day.  There was a possibility of rain coming so we got out there nice and early to be sure we got some beach time in.

Look at the sky...looks pretty bad, right?  It actually didn't rain and cleared up to be a nice day thankfully.

Making drip castles with Daddy.

Julia and I went for a walk...hence our footprints in the sand.

Team Dennison enjoying the beach.  Less than two months until the arrival of their second child.  Boy or girl...we don't know yet but can't wait to find out.

Andrew wasn't a big fan of sitting in the sand and preferred to play standing up instead.

Daddy dug a big hole down to the water for Julia and Andrew and made them a little seat too.

Andrew definitely seems to prefer his left hand over his right hand...I've been saying he's a lefty for a while and I continue to see him do things which support this belief.

Oh yeah...tongue stuck out too!

Making drip castles while sitting in her hole.

The dump truck was such a fun toy for the beach.

Julia is a very neat and clean kid for the most part but she doesn't mind getting covered in sand.  She just sits right down and starts playing.

Andrew giggled and giggled as the waves came crashing up on his feet.  I LOVED hearing him laugh and enjoy life...just makes me smile thinking about it.  I captured a few good photos of him having a good time.

Everyone is all cleaned up and watching an episode of Chuggington before dinner.  Such a great first full day at the beach.

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