Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Nana and Papa visit

We had such a great week with Nana and Papa in town from New York.  The kids loved having them around and really enjoyed playing with them too.  

Papa got to experience Andrew holding him too.  So sweet! 

Julia loved her Polly Pocket gift from Nana and Papa.

Papa getting a work out and of course Andrew wanted more.

On our way to the concert at The Collection.  Julia is all smiles with her ponytail swinging from side to side.

The kids loved running and jumping up on Papa's lap at the concert.  They did it over and over again...no break for Papa from Julia and Andrew.

Taking a break and having a snack at the Aquatic Center.

Julia and Andrew loved going down the slide together.

Nana and Julia making a strawberry dessert.

She was a great helper and oh so beautiful.

Blueberry Picking was great and this year it was even better than last since it wasn't 95 degrees.

Andrew kept running back and forth between people and asked, 'What are you doing?'

Julia and Andrew were great blueberry pickers.  Andrew smashed a few but not bad for a 2 year old.

Dinner at Maggiano's to celebrate Nana and Papa's 40th anniversary.

Family photo after dinner.

Nana and Papa with their first granddaughter and last grandson.

So sweet!

One handsome little boy!

Off to the airport.  See you in about 4 weeks when we come to New York.  

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun, can't wait for you to come to Liverpool! The picture of Andrew and Julia kissing could be on one of those romantic Hallmark cards, precious.
