Saturday, December 10, 2011

Miss Gail Concert

Saturday afternoon we went to see Miss Gail in concert from Miss Gail and the Jumping Jam Band. We first heard her play last Christmas time at Pottery Barn Kids and fell in love with her music for kids. Since then we've seen her many times around Atlanta. Her music is very upbeat and it's lots of fun to sing and dance along. We have her two CD's and listen to them in the car all the time and today we bought her new Christmas CD. They collected socks to hang on the tree behind them since one of her songs is called the Socky Walk.

Even Andrew had a great time listening to the music.

The first song she played was called Hey, Hey and Julia did lots of dancing.

A bit more dancing from our little love bug.

After the concert Julia even got her picture taken with Miss Gail. Oh yeah, Julia is also wearing her two bead necklaces that she got from a pirate party earlier that afternoon. After the concert we went to one of my favorite restaurants called Pure. It was yummy! It was quite a busy day for the Browns!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that Julia got to have her picture with Miss Gail, I know how much she loves the songs. What fun! Andrew even liked it and he appears to be drooling quite a bit, is he teething? I'm glad that he is using the bibs. Both of the kids are having so much fun, you can tell from their big smiles!
